Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Venue Politics... SMH

Okay, so here is the thing. My crew JPS is setting to release our EP "Weaponry" very very soon. So There is a place in Magnolia, I won't say their name because of what I'm about to say may damage them... BUT that may change. LOL. ANYWAY, I hit them up about booking a date for the release party. They promtly hit me back and said "We don't do Saturday shows. Good luck. So I asked for the following Friday (I'm looking on there event page and there is one show booked for May... AND THATS IT), and they promtly hit me back and said "May is booked solid! Good luck with your tour!" SOOOOO. I hit them back and said "Could you please tell me what open dates you DO have? because I would like to book a show at your venue"....

Yeah, Its been days now and nothing. So judging by the short emails and the lack of a response to my last inquiry I have come to the conclusion that they are NOT interested in booking a hip hop act at there facility. Normally, most people would say that it is normal because "hip hop is negative" yada yada yada. You know the drill. But here is the thing. JPS is a Christian group with a positve message and this venue is a Christian venue. I made this VERY clear to the person I was attempting to book the show with. Looking on the venues web site, they have NEVER booked a hip hop act there and this is a fact. It is Sad...

The thing that has always irritated me about the Church is the ammount of prejudice that they have towards the music. I know people who used to be in Breaking Crews, and were totally into hip hop, but now that they are Christians they want nothing to do with it. I have even heard the old "That is Satan's Music" line. And the churches that do utilize Hip Hop tend to not take it as serious as say a contemporary band. Most wont pay to have Hip Hop Groups come out, but will fund raise like CRAZY to get a Christian contemporary, or Rock Band out. We are looked at as a cute side show... Awwwwwww...

So I just got really frustrated at this venue because I feel they were being prejudiced towards us for being hip hop.. It's dumb. I could go to a secular (Non Christian) Spot like Chop Suey, High Dive, or Nectar and get booked in a heart beat. (Shout out to them! I love and have performed at all three) but I can't get a gig in a "Christian" music venue? Wow... Way to take one for the team guys.... I tell you what.... They want to kill their business over stupid stuff then that is there loss. They probably lost a sea of potential customers AND future music acts who could bring business in.... POW...


  1. I know several hip hop shows have been booked there.... you know the artists who've performed there too!

  2. Ummmm... Who? I wasn't feeling the love AT ALL
